In existing residential buildings, heating and cooling account for around 54% of total energy consumption. According to field surveys, more than half of all installed air conditioning (AC) systems have serious flaws, and efficient cooling system maintenance can reduce energy consumption by up to 50%. Since the 1990s, a vast body of knowledge has developed on the importance of regular maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as well as the impact of flaws, and research in this field is still ongoing.
Despite the fact that some of this information has been incorporated into standards and utility programmes, general maintenance procedures continue to overlook subtleties that could result in large energy savings at a low cost.
Home improvement contractors that aren’t paying attention to air conditioner performance are missing out on the chance to save their customers money on energy. Even though a system may not appear to be in need of replacement, it may still perform significantly below its specified capacity. Despite the complexity of these systems, many defects that significantly reduce performance can be easily recognised and, in certain circumstances, remedied by a home performance contractor during routine home inspections and duct testing.